15 research outputs found

    Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces

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    We present a statistical model for 33D human faces in varying expression, which decomposes the surface of the face using a wavelet transform, and learns many localized, decorrelated multilinear models on the resulting coefficients. Using this model we are able to reconstruct faces from noisy and occluded 33D face scans, and facial motion sequences. Accurate reconstruction of face shape is important for applications such as tele-presence and gaming. The localized and multi-scale nature of our model allows for recovery of fine-scale detail while retaining robustness to severe noise and occlusion, and is computationally efficient and scalable. We validate these properties experimentally on challenging data in the form of static scans and motion sequences. We show that in comparison to a global multilinear model, our model better preserves fine detail and is computationally faster, while in comparison to a localized PCA model, our model better handles variation in expression, is faster, and allows us to fix identity parameters for a given subject.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; accepted to ECCV 201

    Facial Action Transfer with Personalized Bilinear Regression

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    Abstract. Facial Action Transfer (FAT) has recently attracted much attention in computer vision due to its diverse applications in the movie industry, computer games, and privacy protection. The goal of FAT is to “clone ” the facial actions from the videos of one person (source) to another person (target). In this paper, we will assume that we have a video of the source person but only one frontal image of the target person. Most successful methods for FAT require a training set with annotated correspondence between expressions of different subjects, sometimes including many images of the target subject. However, labeling expressions is time consuming and error prone (i.e., it is difficult to capture the same intensity of the expression across people). Moreover, in many applications it is not realistic to have many labeled images of the target. This paper proposes a method to learn a personalized facial model, that can produce photo-realistic person-specific facial actions (e.g., synthesize wrinkles for smiling), from only a neutral image of the target person. More importantly, our learning method does not need an explicit correspondence of expressions across subjects. Experiments on the Cohn-Kanade and the RU-FACS databases show the effectiveness of our approach to generate video-realistic images of the target person driven by spontaneous facial actions of the source. Moreover, we illustrate applications of FAT to face de-identification. Key words: Facial action transfer, Bilinear regression

    Towards scalable view-invariant gait recognition: Multilinear analysis for gait

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    Abstract. In this paper we introduce a novel approach for learning view-invariant gait representation that does not require synthesizing particular views or any camera calibration. Given walking sequences captured from multiple views for multiple people, we fit a multilinear generative model using higher-order singular value decomposition which decomposes view factors, body configuration factors, and gait-style factors. Gait-style is a view-invariant, time-invariant, and speedinvariant gait signature that can then be used in recognition. In the recognition phase, a new walking cycle of unknown person in unknown view is automatically aligned to the learned model and then iterative procedure is used to solve for both the gait-style parameter and the view. The proposed framework allows for scalability to add a new person to already learned model even if a single cycle of a single view is available.

    Characterization of Human Faces under Illumination Variations Using Rank, Integrability, and Symmetry Constraints

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    Photometric stereo algorithms use a Lambertian reflectance model with a varying albedo field and involve the appearances of only one object. This paper extends photometric stereo algorithms to handle all the appearances of all the objects in a class, in particular the class of human faces. Similarity among all facial appearances motivates a rank constraint on the albedos and surface normals in the class. This leads to a factorization of an observation matrix that consists of exemplar images of di#erent objects under di#erent illuminations, which is beyond what can be analyzed using bilinear analysis. Bilinear analysis requires exemplar images of di#erent objects under same illuminations. To fully recover the class-specific albedos and surface normals, integrability and face symmetry constraints are employed. The proposed linear algorithm takes into account the e#ects of the varying albedo field by approximating the integrability terms using only the surface normals. As an application, face recognition under illumination variation is presented